b' Quality UKAS LaboratoryNot a concept that is bolted on to the restWe are unique in our sector in having our of our business. Our Quality Managementown UKAS materials testing laboratory System is the foundation upon which ouroffering a whole range of testing services business runs. as well as metallurgy consultancy across a variety of application areas.FASTER LEAD TIMESROBUST & TRANSPARENT We undertake both single-event materials testing and ongoing sampling programmes that can be tailored to We have a completely embedded quality managementfit a customers requirements and can be completely system (QMS) that is robust, transparent and meets theembedded into our material ordering process. most demanding customer applications. This allows us to dramatically improve the speed at The system has traceability at its very heart. Every piecewhich fully tested materials can be supplied.of material that enters our warehouses is given a unique reference number and barcode label which stays withIn addition, we offer testing routines for specific the material whilst under our care. customer applications enabling us to provide a supply route for materials with unique certification requirements. Available Tests ServicesTENSILE TESTINGCORROSION TESTING CONSULTANCY SERVICESTECHNICAL ADVICE CHARPY IMPACT TESTING HARDNESS TESTING INVESTIGATIONSBATCH TESTING CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES PMI METALLURGICAL ANALYSIS'