b'SET UP STAGES Stock Management Establish and Supply Packagesunderstand We offer a range of stock management services that can be further customised andcustomer need Whilst many customers are happy with a simple combined to provide an optimal package of stock availability at minimal balance sheet cost. supply arrangement, some require more complexity; we offer supply packages that can dramatically Assess reduce the cost of raw material supply whilst RESERVED STOCK SYSTEMS Suitability improving availability.We reserve stock for you within our inventory. With a supply contract in place you will get complete certainty of availability and delivery schedules with full visibility through our customer portal. PROCESSINGVALUE ADDED STOCKIdentify Supply PRODUCTS + SERVICES + SERVICES + MANAGEMENTCONSIGNMENT STOCK ImprovementStock is located on your premises but only invoiced asOpportunitiesyou use it. It works well where space is not an issue butREDUCED OPERATIONAL there can be a large administrative burden.& BALANCE SHEET COSTSRELOCATED CUSTOMER OWNED STOCK DevelopDepending on the stocking model selected, the amount of stock Package being held at your premises will be reduced, potentially down to You own the stock but it is located within our premiseszero. This can have a major impact on your balance sheet and and called-off as required with full visibility through ourfree-up space being used for stock which can be utilised for other customer portal. This is a good option if you have noactivities such as production. With the reduction of local stock, requirement to reduce working capital. other associated savings can be made in areas such as handling Review withand processing equipment.KAN BAN SYSTEM CustomerCUSTOMER PORTALA pull based system is used to replenish raw material stock at your premises. It works well where usage isFor most customers, we provide access to our Customer Portal as erratic to smooth issues with logistics but requirespart of a new supply package. The portal will run on virtually any additional systems to manage overall inventories. Implement PC that is connected to the internet and provides you with complete visibility of stock that is under our care. This includes SUPPLIER MANAGED INVENTORY incoming stock from suppliers, reserved stock, order progress, MOQs and all certification paperwork. We take complete control of your raw material inventory,Depending on the supply package selected, it is also possible to re-order stock against your production forecasts. OurPeriodic call-off stock from within the portal at the click of a button and all sophisticated planning software maximises efficiency by optimising producer lead times and re-order quantities. Review this can be set up using your existing part numbers.'