While steel is not the best light-weighting solution for aircraft manufacture, it remains a critical engineering raw material for aerospace applications.
The toughness and resistance to continual wear, combined with the material's ability to withstand stresses and impact, ensure that steel forms an integral part of any aircraft build. While aluminium is the product of choice for improved strength-to-weight ratios, steel is ideal for critical applications.
Aircraft landing gear is a prime example - steel's ability to withstand fatigue and stress makes it highly suitable. Our aerospace-grade steel bars also find use in applications such as engine components, exhaust ducts and fuel tanks.
Steel represents a relatively low-cost raw material solution compared to higher-specification alloys such as aluminium and titanium. The only drawback relates to weight, where other products offer more beneficial characteristics.
The durability of steel makes it ideal for use in particular aerospace applications.
Commercial airlines need their aircraft fleet to be in continual service. The cost implications of aircraft not in service are severe and dramatically impact operating costs. Aerospace steel is durable and offers a long service life.
When the service life of a part comes to an end, an MRO supply business issues timely replacements. An example of such a company is Smiths MRO, a dedicated division of Smiths Advanced Metals.
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We offer multiple aerospace steel bars to British Aerospace standards in various sizes to suit your needs.
Our sophisticated, bespoke MRP system ensures our customers have a high level of stock certainty.
We provide in-house bar cutting services at our bulk central warehouse located in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire.